Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Block Island Wrap-Up

You know what... The World, a.k.a., The Internet, just moves, shakes, and changes too damn much these days. It becomes pretty tough to keep up with at times. That sounded like a complaint, I know, but it wasn't. Believe me. It's fun stuff and keeps me on top of my virtual game.
Block Island Beach Stairs
Beach Stairs

My intention, this evening, is to finish my last post about Block Island. We'll soon read how that goes over.
Block Island
Block Island Aerial

In a nutshell: Block Island was a whole new experience. The (whole) island was powered by diesel generators, was loaded with hot foreign AND local girls, and had minimal law enforcement. Additionally, my visit was also spoiled with amazing weather, a great fishing charter, memorable kayaking, some drama, and a nearly unbelievable mix of a 1910 and 2010 living experience.

I'm not kidding. This property was amazing (not to mention the entire island). There's so much damn historical stuff on this island. It's mind blowing. Apparently it was discovered/founded by some whalers way back in the 1800s... I stayed in a house that was built in the 1800s and, considering 200 years of existence, had very few changes made to it. I showered outside in the yard... Every day... Naked... That's just how it was done.
Block Island Whaling House
Kitchen Stairs
It wasn't awkward until Alex's grandmother was doing "gardening stuff" around the property and the lawn service crew started grooming the premises of the house. I was stuck between covering my genitals and just continuing to shower. I did a combination of both. Nobody seemed to care...

Whaler House
Block Island Whaler House
Alex's little brother's girlfriend was pretty hot. So yeah.

Block Island turned out to be one of the most unique trips I've ever taken. It hosted a combination of attributes that I'd never really experienced until that time.

Next up... Los Angeles with Jennifer (Yinny) Rudolf and Joe Mediate!!

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