Thursday, May 31, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend

Memorial Day weekend was downright… satisfying. The weather here in the HOTlanta couldn’t have been more enjoyable. There was an excellent transition from a real sunny, thick heat on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday to a post-thunderstorm, thicker, “insulating” heat during Monday’s late afternoon. It was this extremely humid, muggy afternoon that made for a pleasant close to the long weekend.

It all started Thursday night or Friday morning... Friday night was fun. I arrived at Brian Bobb’s just in time to have him and the girlfriend jump in the car for a ride to their 8:30 reservation to celebrate their SIX month anniversary. He was excited to “celebrate surviving 6 months” with her. I headed back to Brian’s to shower and pre-game before Megan Meloy arrived to catch up and gossip about work. Work HAS been juicy lately…

Brian and the girlfriend returned around 11:30 from their 5 course, 3 hour long dinner extravaganza. Meloy and I went out for a beer on Crescent Ave. while they stayed back at his place and did stuff.

Saturday afternoon, evening, and night were awesome. Errands for liquor, beer, food, mixers. Guitar Hero mini-tourney with Gianna Gandossi. Frisbee and beer/liquor in Piedmont Park with Bobb, Ryan Walker, Gianna, and black children who can throw FOREVER. (I swear. These kids could run for days! I threw my Frisbee with these 4 – 5 black kids for nearly a solid hour!) Brian dipped out “on the phone” after about 15 minutes… Even after 64 ounces of water I barely stumbled into Park Tavern extremely dehydrated, soaking wet, and famished only to stumble into Cristina Diodati and friends. I thought I was going to pass out, literally. Brian ordered us beers. I ordered 2 pitchers of water.

Just as I was starting to (slightly) perk up… Natalie Thon, Alex Thon, and none other than Dan Jordan (along with a few friends of his from Special Forces/Army/Afghanistan) walk up to our table. At this point there was no turning back. I bid Saturday’s night, “Touche…” Drinks, drinks, food, shower, drinks, Buckhead ensued.

Sunday Funday
Sunday Funday.

Lunch and Bloody Merry bar with my dad and step-mom at Front Page News, relaxation and reflection for most of the remaining afternoon, and then some serious fun come night time with Sam Nash and Brian Bobb. I hadn’t been to Pink Pony in a long time… Wow. Hahahaha. Okay serious, though. I saw my new roommate’s boss and Brian’s neighbor there. LMAO.

Pool Party Monday
And Monday... Afternoon: Pool party, beer, and babes. Evening: Mellow Mushroom hangout for a couple of hours to re-collect myself, then PURE Taqueria with good company and margaritas.

Post Stormy Evening

Well that about sums it up. Now I’m going to continue (and try to finish) watching Die Hard 2: DIE HARDER before my bed gets hit.

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