Thursday, May 31, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend

Memorial Day weekend was downright… satisfying. The weather here in the HOTlanta couldn’t have been more enjoyable. There was an excellent transition from a real sunny, thick heat on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday to a post-thunderstorm, thicker, “insulating” heat during Monday’s late afternoon. It was this extremely humid, muggy afternoon that made for a pleasant close to the long weekend.

It all started Thursday night or Friday morning... Friday night was fun. I arrived at Brian Bobb’s just in time to have him and the girlfriend jump in the car for a ride to their 8:30 reservation to celebrate their SIX month anniversary. He was excited to “celebrate surviving 6 months” with her. I headed back to Brian’s to shower and pre-game before Megan Meloy arrived to catch up and gossip about work. Work HAS been juicy lately…

Brian and the girlfriend returned around 11:30 from their 5 course, 3 hour long dinner extravaganza. Meloy and I went out for a beer on Crescent Ave. while they stayed back at his place and did stuff.

Saturday afternoon, evening, and night were awesome. Errands for liquor, beer, food, mixers. Guitar Hero mini-tourney with Gianna Gandossi. Frisbee and beer/liquor in Piedmont Park with Bobb, Ryan Walker, Gianna, and black children who can throw FOREVER. (I swear. These kids could run for days! I threw my Frisbee with these 4 – 5 black kids for nearly a solid hour!) Brian dipped out “on the phone” after about 15 minutes… Even after 64 ounces of water I barely stumbled into Park Tavern extremely dehydrated, soaking wet, and famished only to stumble into Cristina Diodati and friends. I thought I was going to pass out, literally. Brian ordered us beers. I ordered 2 pitchers of water.

Just as I was starting to (slightly) perk up… Natalie Thon, Alex Thon, and none other than Dan Jordan (along with a few friends of his from Special Forces/Army/Afghanistan) walk up to our table. At this point there was no turning back. I bid Saturday’s night, “Touche…” Drinks, drinks, food, shower, drinks, Buckhead ensued.

Sunday Funday
Sunday Funday.

Lunch and Bloody Merry bar with my dad and step-mom at Front Page News, relaxation and reflection for most of the remaining afternoon, and then some serious fun come night time with Sam Nash and Brian Bobb. I hadn’t been to Pink Pony in a long time… Wow. Hahahaha. Okay serious, though. I saw my new roommate’s boss and Brian’s neighbor there. LMAO.

Pool Party Monday
And Monday... Afternoon: Pool party, beer, and babes. Evening: Mellow Mushroom hangout for a couple of hours to re-collect myself, then PURE Taqueria with good company and margaritas.

Post Stormy Evening

Well that about sums it up. Now I’m going to continue (and try to finish) watching Die Hard 2: DIE HARDER before my bed gets hit.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Wedding Weekend Extravanganza

It's been 2 weeks since my last (pretty calm, maybe mundane) post. Wow. I promise to make it up.

A lot has happened and changed since 2 weeks ago. You might be surprised. Fortunately they’ve all been mental and psychological, nothing physical (although I feel like I should have gained 4 pounds).

Work has been very dynamic, fast paced, and fun.

The KooKoo Krazy Hut is always a trip. The drama is more than worth writing home about if you pay attention. I hope Aleks did so her parents were, at the least, somewhat prepared. If not, then she’s back home in Bulgaria now and has likely shared every bit of gossip she gathered from The Kook with them (and I’m sure it’s the most entertainment they’ve had in a while). [Aleks will hopefully be back in the Fall. BTW: Congratulations being accepted to KSU for their IB Masters program.]

I can’t talk much further on this topic via this post, but I’ll write another, (much) more private post that really gets into all the dirty, juicy gossip that’s been going DOWN at The Kook. Look forward to it. In fact, I can’t wait! You certain special people will get an invite that’ll be dripping with “got to know.” :)

Will Voegeli, Natalie Thon, Kevin Crosby
Aside from work at The Kook, Good ole Joe and I have been doing some good, fun stuff with our new business, WebACiti.

We now have a few clients and have been meeting with several other potentials. It’s awesome. It feels really good to:

#1: Love what you do on the daily

#2: Make other people (who don’t know how to [nor have an interest in] what you do) excited, happy, and thankful for what you’ve done for their company

#3: Pay yourself

This past weekend was almost too much.

Kristen Bouck married Huie Myers this past Saturday afternoon. The wedding was beautiful and great. It was held at Christ The King, just south of Buckhead. Holy matrimony began to go down at 2:00 and the reception wasn't until 6:00… The reception was to be held at Greystone in Piedmont Park (the place on the pond in the middle of the park)… So what do us Blessed Trinity alumni do in between? Halftime!

Kevin Crosby, Tyler Hein, Natalie Thon, Colleen Hein, Keelin Kasperzack, Lauren Guillen, Alex Thon, Danny Guigou, Laura Beauchamp, and probably a couple others I just FORGOT about decided to be pretty lame at Park Tavern inside that cave they have for about 1.5 hours. Fortunately we got ourselves out after a few drinks and took a stand on The Hill overlooking the Main Grass of Piedmont Park where the Battle of Piedmont took its course. We reflected on and joked about the past. Damn, Blessed Trinity had (and has) maybe too many characters... That’s what makes BT so great, though!

Blessed Trinity Alumni

Never. Did. I. Think. I’d end up being lucky enough to have a group of friends that exhibited this (sheer) level of Classy Citizen. Model Citizen even… Wow. T*#t Shots?! Bravo gang.

I think we showed up and represented Kristen and Huie’s wedding like pros…

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Saturday Night Shake-Up

I swear to you the best thoughts come at the most inconvenient times to write them down. That's what I'm trying to do right now and, literally, since I picked up my phone and stopped "relaxing" everything went shadowed.

I'm on the sidewalk outside of Loco's in Alpharetta sitting back (relaxing) with a beer while I watch the rain come down. The street lights make for a nice contrast and intermediary for the black sky and clear/white rain.

The band is great.

"It's been too long since I felt this vibe." At that moment I realized it's been since college that I chilled in this atmosphere. Wow. Then I realized how long it's been since I graduated college (and really floored myself).

I thought about the past 2.5 years since I lived the college dream.

My life has been an amazing 25 years. The past 12 years have been unbelievably amazing. I almost don't feel like like I deserve any more, BUT I KNOW I DO.

I can't thank God enough for the past 2.5 years though (and my entire life.) For the longest time I never thought I'd live to see the age of 21, then that came and I never thought I'd see 22. Now I'm coming on 26... "Long term stuff" is creeping up on my mind.

I've always felt the obligation and enjoyment of producing a "William Henry Voegeli IV". Looking at these life analytics, that might some done happen for me (and whoever the lucky lady is)!



My name is William Voegeli. I'm from Atlanta, GA and will probably live here for the rest of my life. Actually I shouldn't say that. Who knows? I love this city, but damn democracy is big and I am young. 25 is young these days...

I finally got around to creating this blog for the same exact freaking reason 90% of every other individual does (for personal, non-business intentions): documentation! Hell. Why shouldn't everyone in the world have access to pretty much everything that's happened in my personal life?!

My Facebook hasn't made me "public enough." That's what I've deducted and realized. I need to let MORE people into my life through MORE mediums. Google's Blogger being the 7th. Let's see: I've got Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, MyLife, Twitter,, YouTube, Pinterest (I know that's gay for a bro), StumbleUpon, Flickr, Vizibility, FourSquare, Skype, Yelp!, Yahoo, and 30 more accounts I'm forgetting. Google's going to penalize me for all those links in one post BTW...

Wow. I really wish I could give this first blog post some hard throttle, but this first post is meant to be an introduction... Dammit... There's so much I have to entertain us all with! If you're already pretty freakin entertained in your general life, then you definitely want to read what I have to write!

I'm looking forward to learning how a blog discussion moves [as opposed to an e-mail listserv, Facebook, FourSquare, etc.]. Each of those three have each been fun, entertaining, different, and unique.)

Here's an overview of the topics of subject I'm typically going to be discussing:
  • Chickz
    • Goals
    • Discovery/1st Contact
    • Introduction
    • Interaction
    • Fornication
    • Relationship
    • Menstrual (PMS)
    • Marriage
    • Offspring
    • Wishes/Would Likes...
  • Work / Professional
    • (Office) Space
    • Coworkers
    • Job Role, Functions, & Requirements
    • Benefits (Vacation, 401-K, etc.)
    • General Mood & Atmosphere of the Work Environment
    • Goals
    • Abilities & Inabilities
    • Wishes/Would Likes...
  • "Free" Time / Personal
    • Activities
    • Habits
    • Hobbies
    • Living Conditions
    • Adventures, Trips, Rebellious Acts & Behavior
I'm open to any more/other topics that y'all may have. Just let me know.

William Henry Voegeli III